Monday, January 25, 2010

please remember when your feeling lost in the world

"This sense of shared weakness creates what is truly a community. Participants in such a setting learn to appreciate rather to resent strengths in others because we they know that, at bottom, that they are the same- flawed and imperfect. Those who do not recognize shared weakness see in others' strengths as a threat. But those who recognize shared weakness see in others' strength as hope: the hope that your strengths might also support me, With shared weakness as our common bond, we can rejoice in another person's strengths rather than be threatened by them." -- the spirituality of imperfection.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

travel log

come to the edge,
no we will fall
come to the edge
no, we will fall
they came to the edge
he pushed them,
and they flew. - Apollinaire.

Everything terrifying is, in its deepest being, something helpless that wants our help. - Rainer Maria Rilke.

So long as I cling, I found that I am bound. Sometimes I feel as if the black wave comes to wash me away, but I resist with all i've got. I have tools to survive; friends, family and love. Like droplets of love, I have reached out and survived on the all droplets of goodness I have experienced. To have everything you ever wanted and still wanting more, I have found that the only thing I truly lack is the perception to be grateful and enjoy this moment. All we have is today, the now, to become the people we truly desire to be. In my sadness I am distracted from this progression, I am unable to grasp the words that I had once said to make myself better. Once the wave dies down I am able to continue my journey with clear eyes and understanding. All we crave is control, control over the things around us and our destiny, but destiny has its own course we must follow. We do not find happiness but create it. Let today be a creation of this better self, to progression and productivity. To create and embrace our own experiences we share them and by sharing them with others we inspire.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

time for redirection

new website!! is located @

Sunday, November 1, 2009

only in the darkness can we see the light.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

i can't remember why.

in the fall i tend to feel like im always falling down. during the autumn nights i realize why i want to live, yet i find the root of my sadness and inspiration here. i am learning that one must have the salt with the sugar. in the bittersweetness of my bi-polar depression, a clearer vision is created. the crispness and smokiness of fall awakens my spirit and makes me grateful for all those i love. i feel, or have noticed about myself that its always this time of year i get the most hopeless. not this time. i now understand that this is a disease, like any other, and it doesn't define me as the person i hope to be. i need to constantly remind myself that i am in charge of my life but the dark feelings inside never rest. annoying like a scratch you can't itch, its constantly on my mind weighing me down. i have found for me that the best way to live my life is doing what makes me happy. without my own happiness or zen i am worthless to anyone. If you get knocked down, crawl, but always progress to betterment.

Friday, September 25, 2009

nothing lasts forever

Back to the grind of otis I have found that truly my work keeps me happy and sane. I don't know if anyone else feels hesitant because I do. Maybe Im creating my own stress. Staying down is easy, pushing takes work. In lieu of one of my favorite quotes, "if it was easy then everyone would be doing it", I am trying to keep up. I have a wonderful family, friends and dogs that make me grateful everyday, grateful for each breath. In the darkness look for the light and follow it, you'll find yourself there.








Monday, August 31, 2009

"there's the sliver lining I've been waiting for," she whispered as she leaned in for a kiss.

"first day of class and I find joy in being crafty. I feel a new season coming on [autumn] and it turns me on. Fall is my favorite time of year; observing the death of excess, known as summer, the descent into the land of picked over dreams stamps out the warm fleeting feeling. like a diamond in cave, the memory of summer is only revealed when it is darkest to be held in the hands who love it most. picture wading in the remains of a wasteland of the destroyed cityscape. in disgust, i will take full advantage of the smoldering view trying to find a way through the rubble.  some say we live only once, right? because this time i am going face my fears and take the fall. fall into this feeling, with my true be-ing, failure or success, sugar with the salt.  this time is imperfect. standing up this time, for me and those whom i care i will take the initiative. supported by those who i love, i feel bolstered to take this plunge into the unknown, to find my confidence in facing the monster and pushing myself to never return, i fall into the light. what use are we if don't make sacrifices to better ourselves? what other beasts will i meet on this dark road?" -- Veronica Rolfo-Wylde